The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Farting Buddha

Recently, I came upon a very rare piece of statuary, the Farting Buddha. He is in the aquarium right now with his hands raised upward, a large smile on his chubby face. The Farting Buddha has bubbles coming up from behind and that's why he is so happy. He can fart and it's okay. Fart away farting Buddha.

The goldfish, Snagle-tooth is very happy with Farting Buddha. "It is so very feng shui." says Snagle-tooth.
And he should know being Asian and all. There is a temple gate in the aquarium for Snagle-tooth to swim through on his ever search of food.

The fart bubbles of Farting Buddha rise rapidly to the surface bringing joy to all. And, since the Buddha is a vegetarian, his farts don't stink, unlike Buster who is a real gasbag in a small canister. Which is why I think he has such a temper. I'll look for a farting Buddha for him. I don't think he can see the Farting Buddha from where he is so low to the ground.

The storm has come and it is cold. Farting Buddha doesn't mind because it is always nice in the aquarium. Ommmm, the bubbles go, passed by the Farting Buddha, time to light incense and stare at the Farting Buddha.....Ommmm....Happy..Happy...Joy....Joy.

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