The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Orange Hair's Battle Against The Free Press

Orange Hair hates bad news about him. Bad news about others? That's okay but he will not tolerate anything that questions his decisions or actions. He wants to replace a free press for the Orange Hair World View, which he deems the only valid news source.  He wants Orange Hair news that says all things good about Orange Hair. Anything else is dangerous and a threat to his desires of world domination. Puss Stain, the new Stalin of Russia, has told Orange Hair that without suppressing the truth, he could not dominate the world much less America. It was something that poor Puss Stain had to repeat over and over to Orange Hair due to Orange Hair's obsession on all things Orange Hair.

So now the Supreme Oligarch of all Russia has planted in Orange Hair's circle of  plants to whisper over and over the need to control all information. Very important for world domination.

Puss Stain controls all news, information, data, for all of Russia. This criminal of freedom has a burning desire for world domination as well. His puppet in America Orange Hair, admires Puss Stain because he is a ruthless tyrant, he wants America to join Puss Stain and his campaign against free thought. It is too dangerous to think without Puss Stain or Orange Hair telling you what to think of and about.

We are in peril of losing our country to evil men. Men who want all things their way and we must fight with everything we have. Join us in the City of Angles, Los Angeles, City of Refuge, City of Light and fight the good fight against the ruthless tyrants, Orange Hair and his keeper Puss Stain.

We have dart drones and devices and will blanket the sky with our robotic and highly developed techno gear. We will show the world a new war fought not by the bodies of men but the intelligence of their machines that do not bleed life. 

It is a new era, a time for all those everywhere to stand up against the tyranny of the few over all others. It is time to usher in the age of Aquarius.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Kevin McCarthy Warns California Of The Wrath Of Orange Hair

Snot nosed McCarthy who recently removed his head from Orange Hair's ass came back to California to warn us that if we do not bow down and worship Orange Hair, as he does, we will face his unrelenting wrath.

Notice McCarthy's face freshly pulled from Orange Hair's ass. The pouting lips that suckle on Orange Hair's sphincter. The bent nose from the large amount of time spent up the rear of Orange Hair. This is the look that McCarthy wants Californians to have, but we will not brown nose this tyrant and turn into the sniveling coward that McCarthy has become. McCarthy is a traitor to all California. He needs to move closer to Moscow and we intend to put them there so he can sniff the butts of Puss Stain and Orange Hair that he adores and worships.

The battle is soon to come. Orange Hair is gathering his forces along with his goons like McCarthy. Beware City of Angels for this demon pictured here is no friend of ours. Gather your dart drones and devices and be ready for the attack that could come at any moment for the siege is about to begin.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Orange Hair Grants An Audience With His Minions

Orange Hair gathered bales of dollar bills from the treasury to drop from Air Force One as he flew over the swamps of Florida to help in gathering a crowd. Those that showed up had to buy an overpriced hat that said, I'm with Stupid. But the crowd didn't mind since the hats are red which is perfect for possum hunting and driving pick ups. The crowd was happy with their hats and Orange hair was happy with getting all their found money. And as the crowd looked for the free beer advertised on flyers they soon learned that the Dixie cup of warm suds came only after they entered the hangar and the doors were shut and locked. Still it was free although flat and on the warm side, but they had their beer and a bench to sit on. That's when Orange Hair brought in the entertainment to warm up the crowd.
It was a success with the beer bellied hillbillys in attendance for most of them never saw a naked thigh that wasn't two hundred pounds of wiggly fat, and though the dancers had tits that didn't hang to their belly, the overhaul crowd loved them still. One was overheard to say he never saw anything so exciting since they outlawed public lynchings.

Orange Hair, seated on his glorious porcelain throne, stood and raised his hand to hush the crowd, he was about to speak. But the crowd wanted more beer and maybe a bit of pickled pork belly but Orange Hair denied their request and blamed the media.

"I told you about the media didn't I?" He asked as he scanned the crowd. "The lying thieves ate all the pickled pork belly and they drank the rest of the beer too, but they'll deny it if you ask them. That's how low down they are. They would take  your granny's beer can while she rocked on the front porch if you didn't watch them."

A roar of boos erupted along with more than a few belches of gas which pleased Orange Hair and he knew that he was on the right track.

"I saw one of these Northern scoundrels pull a whiskey bottle right out of the mouth of a nursing mother before she could take a swig." More boos and cat calls came from the growing unruly crowd.

The press corps began to look for an exit but found every escape route batten downed.  They began to worry.

"You know you can't trust what they write. Not that you could read it but if you could, it is all lies so I'll tell you what they wrote." Orange Hair then looked out to the crowd and in a very long voice screamed, "LIES. That's what they write about me." The crowd erupted once more, belching and spitting, puffing and huffing.

Then Orange Hair swept back his coif, raised both hands to the ceiling and yelled, "They hate Jesus too. Can you imagine."

Well it was to much for the crowd. They tore off the boards they had sat on and marched toward the press stand where shivering journalists stood petrified.

We don't know how many survived to write about anything, some grabbed red hats and tried to blend with the crowd but most of them didn't survive. This much we know.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Republicans Love Orange Hair and Orange Hair Loves All Things Russian

With the help of the Republican party, Orange Hair is successfully selling secrets to Russia.  Puss Stain is so happy with his puppet, he doesn't have to pull strings, the puppet dances to the tunes Russia plays without any help. America has been sold for an undisclosed price by the Republican party's need to win the election. They have successfully handed America over to the Kremlin without a shot being fired. The treasonous acts of our FBI director, James Comey to deliberately hide information of  Orange Hair's constant contact with his Russian handlers should send him to the gallows but it will not for the Republican base doesn't care if we're sold to the Russians or anyone else, they only love Orange Hair and Orange Hair tells them what to think and what to do and they do it without thinking.

We are at the hands of a great horde of illiterate self schooled Jesus freaks. They don't think, they only need someone's insults to go on. They don't have lives, they live thinking that Orange Hair will make them rich too. That's how stupid the Republican base is at the present. Orange Hair is tearing our educational system to shreds, people who think for themselves can be very dangerous. Should his base become educated they may think Orange Hair's insults and brags aren't worth the breath spent on them. And how then could Orange Hair control what they think, read and see.

It is time to rise up and join our forces before we all must learn Russian. We will be planting potatoes for Russia by this summer if something isn't done today. Join or forces in the City of Angels and fight this diabolical dictator that has taken our country hostage.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Commander Flynn, Orange Hair's GoBetween To Russia With Love

The Manchurian Candidate has happened with Flynn flying in to whisper in the Kremlin's ear at their beck and call. The Russians have successfully placed Orange Hair in the highest office of our land and they need only wait for Orange Hair to turn America the free, into Amerika the enslaved. Truths are lies and lies are truth, for we now have alternative facts to smoke screen the Republican base into believing it is so. Do Not Trust The Media. When you control the information, you control the people. Our country is in grave peril.

It is time to rise up and resist this great evil. Our freedom's, our very lives are at stake with Orange Hair and his madness for fame and fortune. For he will risk everything to cement his name as a world dictator to fear and worship.

Russia told Flynn to go after Iran. Now Orange Hair is fixated on a target, the most recent, an Iranian ship in International waters somewhere in the Persian Gulf. Orange Hair planned to board by force the ship and search the cargo for any contraband deemed so by Orange Hair.  That would most certainly lead to war with Iran. Orange Hair's planned was shelved, for the moment, being that international waters might present a problem of piracy. Not that resorting to piracy isn't beneath Orange Hair, he's been a pirate  his whole life. But his advisors got cold feet, there wasn't anyone convenient to blame it on should things go not as planned. Men of no honor look for none.

 We have our drones and devices at the ready should Orange Hair and his minions try to enter the City of Angels. The forces of oppression shall do so meeting great resistance by the free citizens of our beloved megalopolis, for we have not been fooled into thinking Orange Hair brings anything but misery and death.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Orange Digs In the Toilet and Pulls Out the Attorney General

Jeff Sessions one of the,  'Good ole' Boys' of Alabama, came out of Orange Hair's Porcelain Throne today covered in shit. So the butler, Dummkoph needed to scrub him white. Oh, does the butler take pleasure in this most sacred task, to clean anyone white. The butler, you see, believes that  if given a black man he could scrub him white.  Sessions is Lily Fucking White.

Already the lying crud has stated that 'Crime is UP' and he intends to put anyone not lily fucking white in jail. You see it's like this with the good ole boys of the South, you don't look like you're  inbred trailer trash then you is a criminal. Sessions is noted for his vetting  process to make sure the suspect is truly white. If the person shows signs of possible 'other than white' they are likely the criminal type and need long sentences working for white people. Sessons doesn't believe this is slavery but rather a way for criminals to pay for the crime of not being white.

Things are not going well with Orange Hair. His family packed off in ten different directions glad to rid themselves of the Beast. "I wanna be president," Orange Hair repeated night after night. And their response, of course was, "GO FOR IT." Anything to get rid of him sounded really good. Trouble is he is now the world's problem. He has been let loose and we, as in all of the planet, have a problem. After that he attacked the courts for ruling against him. ALL OF THEM Ruled against him. So Orange Hair can't arrest people at airports and torture them. This latest development is very upsetting to Orange Hair and at present he has slithered back to his Porcelain Throne to tweet and pout.

All Hail the Pouting Tweeter.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Orange Hair Retreats To The Swamps of Florida

After attacking our country's judiciary and applauding the demonic Puss Stain, ruler of Russia, Orange Hair has taken refuge in a swamp of his choosing, he is now residing in Florida in a quagmire called, Marsh Of The Rich Fat Assholes of Lower Florida. He loves his crocodiles, his slithering pythons because they both have a fondness to crush their rivals. It is all so nice now that he is in the oval office for after his coronation as President of The United States, Orange Hair has decided to dismantle the Constitution and arrange one better suited to his purpose for world domination.

He has the Gestapo of the Loyal Order Of Biker Rednecks. The Aryan Fraternal Order of White Supremacists Inbreeds. And the famous, Old White And Afraid of Anyone Not Like Me Malevolent Society. With these instruments of stupidity and derangement, Orange Hair plans to take over the world but he will not succeed for the City of Angels which is a beacon to all free loving people, has decided to fight this enemy tooth and nail.

We will not stop in our quest to rid America of this abomination that has stole the election with the help of his keeper, Puss Stain of Russia. Orange Hair has sold us out to the most ruthless murderer in history and Puss Stain can't wait to collect his debt. He has information on Orange Hair that would lead to his unraveling and fall unless Orange Hair produces what he desires, the keys to liberty and justice for all.

The great city of light, the City of Angels has taken the mantle to fight this evil for both of these tyrants desire world domination and the enslavement of all free people of the planet Earth. Here below is the picture of our enemy, notice his eccentric dwarfism, the hideous paunch of belly and pendulous man breasts.
We here in the City of Angels normally would tolerate such a figure, for we have room for all but this mess for a male goes beyond anyone's tolerance. Some people have turned this into good in our diet industry for there is an Orange Hair diet plan that is attached to this drawing of the creature. Before every meal take a look at this drawing and your craving for food will diminish, however the desire to drink heavily afterwards does present another problem.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Orange Hair Wants the World To Know He is An Ass Hole

He has insulted every world leader with his 'Kiss My White Fucking Ass" attitude and the world leaders are fed up with the 'rich spoiled child syndrome' Orange Hair made of himself.  He pouts and fidgets, his tiny hands with their very tiny fingers twitter and tweet all day. He hasn't left the Porcelain Throne Room where one poor victim after another must face the Molester Machine. Never bored with the suffering of others, he feels ten years younger than Methuselah  because of it, and decides to tweet an Executive Order that the President, Orange Hair must have victims for his molesting machine available at all times.

He told Mr. Turnbull to kiss his white fucking ass, as he showed the executive tweet demanding the cheeky peck from the prime minister. Too bad for Orange Hair for Mr. Turnbull said all he had to do was pick up more victims for the Molester Machine, if Orange Hair would send a boat and clean out the islands they're on. Refugees are such a blight for the well to do. And Orange Hair has a plan for refugees--the deep six. All refugees that can't be used for torture shall henceforth be thrown out of planes into the sea.

"It's so easy," Orange Hair said to his butler, Dummkoph. "Why didn't anybody do this before?"

Orange Hair settled back into the Porcelain Throne, his fingers began to twitter and he felt an executive tweet about to come out. His sphincter pinched and popped another tweet. "The only real facts are alternative facts. Henceforth, anybody who wants to know what is happening, we will tell you what happened and why. No need to find out anymore for Orange Hair has decreed by executive tweet, these are the alternative facts that you as a true believer in all things Orange Hair shall believe. Orange Hair thought a moment and added to his tweet, So help me Orange Hair the Greatest Ever of All Humans that ever were or ever will be.