The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Middle East Virtues

I'm watering the winter rye that's sprouting up nicely when Daddy from Little Israel comes out of his front door for a chat.

"Hello Mr. Mike."

"Hey, Daddy, what's up?"

"Mr. Mike, how much do you pay your handyman?"

"Twenty-five an hour."

"Oh, that's too much. I pay only ten maybe twelve dollars."

I look over at his place with the shit-brown paint that is already not looking good, the fading yellow of stucco, loose brick, Palace facade. "Yeah, well, guess you don't want the handyman's number then.

"I need to find somebody. They take my money for materials and don't come back."

"No shit. And when you promise ten bucks an hour, go figure."

"I need to find someone to finish job. The tile has no grout."

"Good luck with that, Daddy."

Mean Queen came out and nodded toward me. I guess I was suppose to bow or some such shit but just said, "Hey Mean Queen."

She didn't respond, but went straight for the car for Daddy to drive her somewhere.

After they left I was waiting for the next fucking Middle Eastern prick to come my way. The reason was I was served with papers for a law suit. Apparently one of these rag-heads of the East tripped on the cement walk in front of the house and wants fifty grand. Their last name sounded like what you call a camel when they spit on you. It happened back of February of 2011. And guess what, the fucking attorney is Armenian.  Figures, the hood is turning into a Middle East hodge-podge  of wacked out sand-jockeys and Armenian gangsters. Just great when all I thought I had to worry about was missiles from Little Iran and Little Israel.

I don't need to go to the Middle East or Eastern Europe. They have fucking come to me.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Little Israel Now has A Rocket Shield.

Daddy had it on top of his car. Mean Queen was inside the car barking orders in the phone at some poor soul. It was as big as the Accord, a large, cheap patio table. One of those you can stick an umbrella in and sit under with a beer. Only this one wasn't for beer drinking in the backyard, it was their missile defense system. The table's top went on and then the oversize umbrella. It covers the table and then some. In fact you could duck and cover under this when you hear the missile's whine.

It looks like a plain, cheap umbrella but looks are deceiving. Little Israel is girded for attack by Little Iran. Mean Queen and Daddy can, under the cheap-looking umbrella, launch their counter-attack and at the same time, defend against incoming strafe. Of course, us Queers of Gaza are fucked as usual. Missiles to the right of us, missiles to the left of us and here we sit like ducks on a pond right in the fucking middle.

The Greeter leaves early and arrives home late at Little Iran. There is a lot of Middle Eastern jibber-jabber going on too. Low key and I think I smelled a hooka last night while I was toking on a joint. It was that smell of honey and tobacco, a kind of pipe tobacco that doesn't stink like cigarettes. They were plotting for the main attack, I think, and this morning all the cars, except of course, the car that neither sleeps or slumbers, but is parked always in front of the garage door, were gone. All gone to get  more supplies for their jihad-homemade bombs to toss at the Jews. Never mind the Queers of Gaza are in between. Shit no, neither side cares a shit about that.

And that's what our Thanksgiving is going to look like this year in the Gaza strip. Jews fighting Muslims with us in between. Could be worse though. Wally said that years ago when, Mean Queen and Daddy's palace was a rental and I was complaining about the two idiots that lived there with dogs from hell. Nothing on the fucking planet is worse than White Punks On Dope. Nothing. And that's what moved in when the dog jerkies moved out.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Rockets From Gaza

A red sports car was parked in front of Little Iran today. Came in late last night and stayed until the afternoon. Wally and I walked by it today and I took a peek. There was something very strange inside. A cover concealed the entire back seat and passenger's seat. A thick foam type of cover so that nothing, not even strong light could peer in. Very strange.

The Greeter hasn't been seen. His car comes late, too late for me to see when he comes in and then leaves early. Always, always a car is parked up against the garage door. And, when I had seen the Greeter, he checks it, first thing when he gets out of his car, he checks the damn car blocking the garage.

Now, why does he check it? It never fuckin' moves. Yet he checks to see if the doors are lock and shit like that. Weird, and I think they are making rockets. Rockets to fly to Little Israel over the Gaza Strip and then us Queers of Gaza get the blame.  That's where they all disappeared to a month or so ago. They were taking their homemade rockets to Egypt to smuggle up the back ends of camels so that the Palestinians could fuck with the orthodox Jews. Now they are readying for the real thing.

Once the missiles fly over Gaza and land on Little Israel, Mean Queen and Daddy are gonna shit.  And it won't be kosher shit either. I can see it. An all out fucking Armageddon right here in Gaza with us fucking queers caught between Mad Jews and Insane Fucking Iranians.  

We Are Fucked.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A View Of Same-Sex Marriage In the Gaza Strip

The victory this election season came with a surprise. Every state that had same-sex marriage on the ballot won. Four states legalized gay marriage and one refused to change their Constitution to bar same-sex marriage, leaving it for the future. Is that a win for us queers in Gaza?

No. Here in California the religious right lied through their teeth to scare people into voting against marriage and then used their attorneys to keep it from us. It still lingers on the dock of the Supreme Court. It is an amazingly slow process that could take until next summer to hear their verdict.  Meanwhile, Wally and I are here, in limbo, married but a minority within a minority. A group that got married when the opportunity came and just as quickly went.

I don't understand it either, don't understand why some people work so hard to deny our rights as other human beings and citizens. It makes no sense other than to punish people for being gay. I guess that Christianity still has power to control who gets certain rights as an American and who doesn't. And it's the Pope, the Mormons, and all the wacky Christian South that seem to control this ability to deny or allow whom they deem worthy of marriage. 

Religion, the only thing people will accept without proof that there is a god to worship. A wacko assortment of ritual, ignorance and ancient text to keep humans controlled without bothering to prove anything but to wave a book at believers made of stories that are fabrications and obscure ways of life impossible to practice in today's world. And we are subject to the whims of wacko nut jobs that think they know what is best for others.

How in hell did that happen?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Could Obama Be Assassinated If Re-Elected?

I think the chances are high, very high that a serious attempt on his life would occur if Obama won the election in 2012.  I don't see Romney sweating it out, all the wing nuts are in his corner.  And if Obama was murdered, there would be race riots unimaginable. You can't blame people of color for going off if Obama was murdered, not for what the GOP has done in the name of fair and honest voting. So far, most of what you hear of voter fraud is from GOP related activities not the left and not African-Americans that seem to come under more scrutiny than white voters.

T-Shirts at Romney rallies, "Put the White back in the White House" or the Catholic Church stating a vote for Obama would put you in hell. True, a diocese of the church had bulletins on faith based voting sent to parishioners that stated exactly that because of same-sex marriage and a women's right to choose.

In Texas, a legislature stated that if Obama was elected, the populace would have to arm themselves for a possible Communist takeover. The hate, the fear, the loathing of change, not could, BUT will drive far right extremist to commit murder, they already have two reasons--God and Country.

When public figures and religious organizations begin to sow fear and hatred of others, it is time to be very concerned.  Now they have reason, once again, to kill others for having a different view. Gays and lesbians that marry, blacks that want to run for high office, those that do not share the ideals of the far right are in serious trouble. Beware when Pope and State are set against any group of people, there cannot be peace.

As for the left, there isn't much of a threat to the establishment only in that if Obama was assassinated, then for sure riots would erupt from one end of our country to the other with little hope of us ever getting along for a long time to come.  

All over something so simple as change, a change that will come at some point no matter the consequences.