The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Things That You Discover In Friends

I managed to stay sober Friday, the trick is to do your drinking early, have the hangover and then by the next day, your right as rain. A great bike ride, mainly because the weather and conditions were about as perfect as you can get. Juanster and Caryl joined me. We decided to do a short ride, all of us being out of shape and that way have enough umph left to rearrange the patio. We had shade screen put around the patio area, it extended the area and gives you perfect shade by ten in the morning. Earlier actually, enough not to shine in your eyes. Ferns needed new locations, hanging this and hanging that needed moving and when we finished, the patio was ready for a party.

Earlier in the day, before we left for our ride, I had prepared Boston baked beans for the crock-pot. Slow roasted ribs in the oven with garden greens for our salad and Swiss chard that is coming in very well right now done in a wok, Asian style. The beer was on ice from the day before, icy cold and quenching.

Christian came over, a friend of Juan who is cute as a twenty-six year old can get. He looks much younger, great body, good athlete, soccer and cycling and he loves attention.

Now get this, he is not gay, but you can touch him. Not the dick, not the ass, but he likes to be stroked and told how good he looks, which isn't hard to do. He is a very sweet guy, watches Wally for me, making sure he has a drink or a jacket if he should get cold. Always wanting to help and he did by fixing the screening in the corners where the carpenter didn't do such a good job.

We're laughing and drinking and snacking , listening to soft jazz and having a gay old time. Christian loves hanging with the gays, in fact, the only ones he lets wax his entire body are some drag queens. Now these queens love drag, they are part of a drag bar in downtown Los Angeles called the Silver Platter. Straight guys, or let us be serious here, guys that like dick but in a dress go there to pick up drags. Christian doesn't pick up drags, or guys but he loves the attention. His job is to announce each of the drags when they come out on stage, and if needed, is involved in a skit or two on stage. So who else would know how to wax someone from top to bottom better than a drag queen?

He pulled up his shirt, not wearing underwear, and when he did, his jeans dropped slightly. Oh what a lovely sight, young flesh taunting the tongue to explore and not a feather on him. He was in a Mohawk cut today. Last time he was here he was a spike blond haircut. Nice thing about hair when you have it.

So, Christian has a nine year old son, and dad's birthday is on Valentine's day. Dad's going to his ex for a birthday party and spend time with his son. They all get along great, one of those teen pregnancy issues.

It was a really special day. One of those rare moments when everything lines up and comes out smelling like ribs and beans with a bottle of ice-cold beer to wash them down with.

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