The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dinner was popcorn with a beer. Pretty good too, after looking at the cupboard and finding it stocked with things you need to prepare or defrost. The popcorn, however was ready and while I waited for the kernels to explode in the popcorn popper, it gave me time to pop the cap on a beer bottle. I read recently that beer is good for the bones. Makes me happy that I care for my body by eating roughage and drinking booze and it's so easy to maintain a diet like this. I figure, my trips to the recycling can to clear the counter of beer bottles and picking out kernels of corn caught in my T-shirt, gives me enough exercise to keep my heart in shape. Gives me an idea about a book for writers, 'Stay in Shape, Look Great Without Much Effort'.

There could be a whole section on the benefit of beer and wine and how important they are to counter the effects of strong coffee.

Easy to fix meals, to stay fit and slim down. I find that if I use cheese whiz on a Ritz cracker, one at a time, I eat less rather than arranging the crackers on a plate and spraying the plate with cheeze whiz. Especially if I keep a few bottles of beer nearby to wash down the crackers, and at the same time, strengthening my bones. Cheese whiz has all your basic food groups. I know because the list of ingredients on the side of a can of cheeze whiz is larger than any of the stupid multi-vitamins I've bought in the past.

Then there are the kernels of unpopped corn. Oily, salty but quite chewy. I figure the amount of energy to mash the kernel into the crevices of my teeth is probably more than the calories in the beer I needed to wash the bits down.

Caryl didn't come over after all. She is still feeling weak from a month of illness. It's her obsession with grandchildren that caused the illness. Last month it was head lice. This month some plague that kiddies get. Take them to the zoo and then go home, they will be happier there and you, Caryl will be healthy. Once they find their way into one of the exhibits, no one will notice the difference.

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