The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Lady Of The Forest

She came over the other day with gifts, a bag and a half of briquettes, a screen to grill fish with and some wall planters. She doesn't need them she said, she has to move in July to Portland Oregon in an apartment.

"Besides," she said, as if to make the move more acceptable, "One of the trees is leaning and I think it is going to fall."

She is always a bit sad even when she is smiling. I feel that there is a great deal of sadness in her. A deep ache that she has all the time. So much sadness in the world and the Lady of the Forest seems to draw it into her. As if she was a magnet for the ills of everything around her.

I wonder who will move in to take her place? 

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