The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Birthers Change to Deathers.

It's official. If you were or thinking of being a Birther, it is now called Deather. President Obama's birth is no longer of importance. What is important is that he hasn't put the head of Bin Laden on a stake pounded in the ground of the White House Lawn.

Even Republican candidates now want to see evidence, gruesome photos, of his killing. It would help, they said, if the President with the First Lady and their two children,  drag the body out and place it on a stake on the White House lawn. Maybe near the fountain would be nice. If not the body than the head and if not the head, six by ten photos in vivid color but that might not be enough, unless some sort of clothing, hair, video game could establish that the photo was indeed Bin Laden.

It's truly admiral of the Republican party to demand these simple tests of proof that our country did rid us of the worse murderer on the planet. And it makes their pleas understandable to bust unions, change Medicare into a voucher good to hang on your wall which value would be worth the paper it's printed on.  Reduce  Social Security to a comfy blankie and toaster oven on retirement. Make abortion once again a crime only poor women would have to endure  and war with anyone not willing to do the Christian thing. Like barring homos to marry or in any way be treated equally. Which means we soon would be at war with Canada and any other progressive country. You have to admire these people, really, after putting us in debt with two wars that can't be won and a reduction in income tax for the wealthy while at war.  What their ultimate goal is to have us return to a feudal society. Back when life was good. If you're a Koch.

God I love them.

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