The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We're going down life's highway today in our Fat-ass caddie on the freeway when the old girl takes a dump. Luckily we were near an exit to get off and out of traffic. Twenty minutes later the tow guy shows, and he is easy on the eyes with a nice manner. It makes paying the higher amount for service worth it in Triple A. Our Fat-ass is now at the mechanic getting exorcised of demons.

And a new wheel is in use. When I went to pick up the new book, Freedom to read at the beach next week, they had the Nook on display with a rather engaging salesman. I was against these new e-book contraptions. I was against e-books in general but this one caught my eye. First, it is about the size of a book though thinner than most hardcover books. The price was in my range too when I looked at the cost of the book I was going to buy at thirty dollars and this at a hundred and forty-nine dollars with storage for fifteen hundred books and books going from free, Moby Dick The White Whale to, Freedom for twelve ninety-nine.

It has some cool stuff as well, like a built in dictionary. You navigate the cursor to the word on the page and it will look up the meaning. It also opens to the last page you were on and you can put in bookmarks where you want as well. It has a chess game to play against when you want to feel really stupid and it is Internet ready if you want to use it for that.

What I like is how easy it is to use for reading. I can grab a read here and there, you don't need to turn it off after use, it will put itself in sleep mode after a set time that you decide on and wake up with a touch of a button. The battery will last ten hours if in full use, days in sleep and can fully charge in one or two hours.

And there is a lot of books. I was surprised at the gay and lesbian section, history, fiction, erotica in fact you can browse books by genre and sub-genre. It is hooked up to Barnes and Nobel and google books. It is able to download books from your computer as well if you want to use the public library e-book section.

Where I thought these machines may spell the end of books, I think what it will do now is bring more literature to more people. The price and convenience of this thing is great plus it is fun to use. It really is fun in a weird way. Just looking up books that are out there is fun. I'm thinking I cut an entire milk-crate of books I usually bring for our two weeks at the beach to this one little device. You can subscribe to newspapers and magazines with it and have them down-loaded to the Nook every day. Amazing really though I don't tend on getting rid of my morning read as yet, I do like the paper in hand for the morning.

Well, it's back to the Nook. While one wheel is being repaired I can still ride round in another.

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