The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Monday, January 31, 2011


I've noticed there is little talk lately of global warming. Either we have accepted what is happening and plan on doing nothing about it or we plan to do something when it's more convenient to do so, like curb  energy use.

We seem to believe that growth is sustainable, that more and more is still better. Now India and China want more and the people in the world want more but just how much more can the earth give? That question we really don't know as yet. We can see it failing here and there but we have no connection as yet to species in danger or gone and us at top of the food chain. The supermarkets are full of food, even though many go hungry. There is good shelter for those who can still afford it and clothes too but many go in need for basics like clean water and sanitation.

Yet the rich want more and the church wants more people and the governments want more taxes for more wars and more commerce so that we can all have more.

It's as if the earth were a terrorist's ticking time bomb. Only  instead of an explosion there will be an implosion.

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