The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Thousands Poisoned In The Name Of Allah This Year Alone

It's already started, there is no turning back and as of last night, hundreds lay sick and dying. The poison will eventually kill thousands, due to the nature of the toxin, it's lethal effects will last for two years, killing more because Allah said it would.

Allah loves death, he told me how to kill. To bring it sweet and silently to those that displease me. And it wouldn't be needed if they only had left Gaza.
But they stayed, once the Muslim Brotherhood brought them in. Oh, yea, there were no cockroaches until Little Iran moved in next door. Not a one and then, wham, like a jihad bomber the population exploded and overran Queer Gaza.

You need fire to fight fire. So I turned on Mecca went to Lowes where Allah said I could find death in a spray bottle and bought some real nasty shit. First thing I hit was the kitchen. Sprayed, like instructed, the floorboard, and then that night, turned on the lights.

Nothing, no bugs scampering everywhere, no little fuckers on the walls, or counters, not anywhere I could see. Allah said it  would work and it did. Thanks be to Allah.

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