The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Adventures of Campy Girlymann

Campy looked up to see a helicopter hovering overhead. Behind was a car trying to get out of the mud they just crossed. They needed to get in the cover of the trees and hopefully, leave the helicopter. So when they entered the forest of oak, Campy took his time, skirting any opening that may reveal them to the eye in the sky. He even went off road anytime it looked promising and so far the car or cars that had followed them hadn't shown up.

But the helicopter hadn't left them alone. It went to the right and left of the road and up ahead but stayed somewhere nearby. Perhaps the pilot could see ahead and figured they would show themselves, Campy wasn't sure, but he did know that they were vulnerable if in the open.

Once he went off road and found a small trail. Packed earth that led deeper into the forest.  It wasn't attached to the road, but rather, began about ten feet into a carpet of grasses  beneath the oaks. He decided to take a chance and slowed down with the Belgian on his tail. Before they left sight of the dirt road, Campy stopped and listened. He looked up and it would be near impossible for anyone to see them from the sky. Not just the canopy of leaves but sturdy limbs of an ancient oak were fanned out as well. Outside of the whirl of helicopter blades, Campy could not hear a car engine. He looked at the Belgian to see if he could either but he shrugged his shoulders as well.

Girlymann and the Belgian walked alongside their bikes, deeper into the woods following the footpath.  They went into a gorge where a stream ran along its seam. The path following the stream at a safe distance from the water's edge. Now the whirl of the helicopter was but a whisper and at times, not even heard. But the songs of birds were and they filled the air.

Once over a ridge the path went down and then, just as suddenly as it started near the road, it ended. Campy looked about, trying to see where the path picked up but there was no indication of one. And as Campy scanned the area he had a feeling someone was watching close by.

To be continued.....

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