Orange Hair is incapable of telling the truth. It isn't in his genes or the DNA, or anywhere except maybe his ass. Some small portion of the sphincter hidden beneath a layer of lie. Even when he tries to say something truthful it comes out a lie. For most people with this condition they are in a prison somewhere but for Orange Hair, being very rich and having no taxes to pay for his entire rich life which allows for his genetic deformity to blossom without being confined to a prison for violating several laws. Orange Hair has a bevy of lawyers, they follow him to pick up the lies, sue anyone who disagrees with the lie, and keep Orange Hair free to terrorize not just America, but the planet.
He has a gift from Satan himself, to recognize others with this condition and has formed a club of those who lie and dream of world domination. They are currently in the process of doing just that. The grand leader, whom they all admire to the point of worship is Puss Stain, ruler of Russia. America is threatened with enslavement by those who can lie just as easy as a hyena cries when spotting carrion. But, as it turns out, we are the carrion in their eyes, the dead meat if we allow them to feed on us.
We need to band together and stop the oppressors before Puss Stain is allowed world domination. Already groups have formed, not just in America, but around the world, to face these demoniacal forces that need to enslave mankind. Rise up before you begin to believe the lies put out by Puss Stain and his puppet, Orange Hair. Their lying shit is what they want you to eat but don't. These cunningly vile humans will go to no length to guile you into believing they'll bring to you riches even though it is the plutocrats only who get the spoils.
There are devices in place to spy on their movements. We have dart drones at the ready to fill the skies, until they turn dark with their number, ready to descend on selected targets. It is time to ready ourselves for they will use torture to find out about the resistance. Torture, poison gas, even atomic weaponry are at their disposal but fear not for LOVE TRUMPS HATE.
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