It was ugly but that is what war is all about. Meryl Streep stood to defend a handicapped man from the viciousness of Puss Stain's prodigy, Orange Hair. She stood against him and all that he stands for, and for her bravery she is now under siege by the evil legions of Orange Hair. Streep's brave heart withstood the attacks but in his rage to beat down anyone who opposes him he has taken hostages to learn the ways of torture shown to him by Puss Stain.
Three young women are now in the hands of Orange Hair. Delivered to him because they sought abortions from incestuous rape. Orange Hair wants all women punished, no matter the circumstance, if they had or seek an abortion. He feels they are worthless creatures fit only for his demented pleasure. They are now deep in the bowels of his tower chained while they wait the cruelty Orange Hair himself will administer on them.
We are mounting a rescue, if it is not too late, to save the women from the cruel fate that Orange Hair plans to cause. He has devised a heinous apparatus that grabs a woman's genitalia squeezing and pulling constantly on the tender flesh until they are driven mad or die. He relishes his machine forged in Russia with a promise of more to come by Puss Stain himself.
It is tonight that our forces will try and penetrate the Tower. We are armed and at the ready with devices to secret ourselves inside the Tower's wall and, with the help of all good people, rescue the young women before his cruelty is unleashed.
At the moment, Orange Hair is sitting on his porcelain throne throwing tweets. He twitters and tweets while seated in the early morning as he empty his bowels of foul fetid waste to feed his minions who crave more and more of his colonic passings.
It is then that we shall attack. When he is the most vulnerable, his withered penis and testicles dangling near the sewage of his making, his drawers about his ankles and his hands busy with mischief. We will charge giving him no time to plan. The battle begins.
More as new developments occur.
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