An agent today came out with the truth. Her and others would not take a bullet for the illegal president of the United States, Orange Hair. She is now in grave danger for Orange Hair demands she is used for his pleasure on his latest torture machine given to him by his puppet master, Puss Stain, the Stalin of Russia. Orange Hair has his own puppet, James Comey, director of the FBI who dances to any tune Orange Hair plays. These two traitors, along with others to our country, who swayed the election and placed the illegal Orange Hair into power must face a court of the people for their treachery.
For there are more of us than they are of them and we will RESIST. We will fight the good fight with our devices and dart drones that will blanket the skies. Those who sniff and nose Orange Hair's putrid reeking ass will feel the sting of their betrayal. For this brave agent, and many others have safe haven in the City of Angels. We will hide and protect all who live to breath freedom. Orange Hair, who is Puss Stain's bitch, will soon be driven from his porcelain throne where he loves to twit and tweet. He is there now, waiting for the delivery of this brave woman who spoke the truth. Orange Hair has his new torture machine station in front of the porcelain throne so he can watch all he wants of her agony as the machine pulls and prods at her genitals until her life is taken. His deformed dwarfish flesh will shake and shimmy as he twits and twits to his worshipers of his ass droppings-the lies he perpetuates ad-nauseam that come deep within his bowels.
We who live in the City of Angeles will defend until the last man, woman and child, our right to be free. We will darken the skies with our dart drones and devices that will seek out those branded by the Beast. And we will win.
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