The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Orange Hair Attacks America's Airports

Children today were ripped from the arms of mothers at American airports. Orange Hair needs people to torture and has decided it will be Muslims first to hang from his molesting machines. He has now taken a number of captives, a group of elderly people from Iraq and a few children that tried to cling to their mothers as the Orange Hair Gestapo yanked them from their parents and threw the little ones into burlap bags marked male or female.

Now that he has captives to torture, Orange Hair sits on his porcelain throne to hear their cries for mercy, but he doesn't care about their pleas just as long as they don't interfere with his tweets. He has decided to do an executive tweet and takes in air as his fingers twitter and tweet out one executive order after another. Torture is in. Taking captives for torture is in. Anyone who disagrees shall be arrested and tortured. These are tweets of the mighty and powerful Orange Hair.

A young girl, who was going back to college so she could be a doctor in her village in Iraq, was unmercifully grabbed by the Orange Gestapo. They took her directly to the throne room her clothes ripped from her in front of Orange Hair before she is placed in position inside the molesting machine. With the help of mirrors strategically placed, Orange Hair can witness every grab and pull his machine will perform on the victim. The machine starts with a groaning sigh before it snaps at the poor girl's genitals while another slithers on a stainless steel arm to her buttocks to slap and pinch repeatedly at the girls posterior. Then there is the squeezing of breasts by an eight fingered hand that hold stainless steel tips to sting the flesh with each squeeze.

The girl passed out when she saw the machine snapping and grabbing but was soon revived by the pinching and squeezing of the cold steel hands. Then the screams began and Orange Hair smiled the sweetest smile.

"At last," he said out loud, so pleased. The throne butler agreed, Dummkoph clicked his heels and saluted to Orange Hair's success with the first victim of the the dreaded molesting machine, Puss Stain, the absolute ruler of Russia, gave to Orange Hair for his victory at deceiving America.

Orange Hair decided to tweet and tweet he did, he tweeted an executive order and tweeted how weak America has became. He tweeted to Puss Stain, thanking him for the most beautiful, wonderful molesting machine. When Puss Stain tweeted back kisses and hugs it thrilled Orange Hair and titillated his rectum so to cause his fingers to twitter and with his fingers a twitter he tweeted some more as he sat on the Great Porcelain Throne with the molesting machine ravishing its first victim. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Orange Hair Declairs War On Mexico and England

Theresa May went to the White House where Orange Hair, after a few pleasantries, showed the Prime Minister the porcelain throne, and in front of it, the torture device Puss Stain gave him. She almost fainted dead out but when she recovered, and just in time before Orange Hair had her in the device ready for it to grab her genitals, her guard pulled her away. Theresa May was warned of Orange Hair and his peculiar habit for fondling privates, and she did expect something like this but to witness the machine, snapping at her snapper and slapping at her slapper, it was a bit too much.

She was on the horn immediately, and in good time too. The President of Mexico, Mr. Nieto called Orange Hair and said he would love to come to the White House but he had a gall bladder massage he couldn't miss. Orange Hair was very disappointed in these world leaders and their weakness for torture. How sad, he thought, that they didn't want to participate in torture even though it would be them tortured, and considered them weak and Europeanish.

After that disappointment, Orange Hair went to his porcelain throne to tweet. Nobody yet to use his beautiful machine on but he knew in time there would be. "All in good time," he said to himself before issuing a tweet and two executive orders. One executive order was for women who wanted an abortion, they would be tortured. That order was to satisfy the demands of the Pro Life Movement who were slightly disappointed that he didn't kill the women after they were tortured for having an abortion and felt the executive order needed more teeth.

Orange Hair as a soft spot for women. He will only torture and not kill women who have abortions. Of course, after the torture, many of them are so mortified of what was done to them that they kill themselves and Trump, knowing this, felt a bit sad but soon got over it. He needs a woman or girl to use his machine on and he needs one soon.

Perhaps a woman in a hijab would be good but he better find one soon because a few days ago he banned them from the country. Rags, he wrote in his executive order are for menstrual periods and  not to be worn on the head.

Tomorrow will be more executive orders on golf, what hotels will get preferential treatment, and torture.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Orange Hair Hated By The CIA

An agent today came out with the truth. Her and others would not take a bullet for the illegal president of the United States, Orange Hair. She is now in grave danger for Orange Hair demands she is used for his pleasure on his latest torture machine given to him by his puppet master, Puss Stain, the Stalin of Russia. Orange Hair has his own puppet, James Comey, director of the FBI who dances to any tune Orange Hair plays. These two traitors, along with others to our country, who swayed the election and placed the illegal Orange Hair into power must face a court of the people for their treachery.

For there are more of us than they are of them and we will RESIST. We will fight the good fight with our devices and dart drones that will blanket the skies. Those who sniff and nose Orange Hair's putrid reeking ass will feel the sting of their betrayal. For this brave agent, and many others have safe haven in the City of Angels. We will hide and protect all who live to breath freedom. Orange Hair, who is Puss Stain's bitch, will soon be driven from his porcelain throne where he loves to twit and tweet. He is there now, waiting for the delivery of this brave woman who spoke the truth. Orange Hair has his new torture machine station in front of the porcelain throne so he can watch all he wants of her agony as the machine pulls and prods at her genitals until her life is taken. His deformed dwarfish flesh will shake and shimmy as he twits and twits to his worshipers of his ass droppings-the lies he perpetuates ad-nauseam that come deep within his bowels.

We who live in the City of Angeles will defend until the last man, woman and child, our right to be free. We will darken the skies with our dart drones and devices that will seek out those branded by the Beast. And we will win.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Orange Hair Is Unable To Tell Fact From Fiction

Orange Hair is incapable of telling the truth. It isn't in his genes or the DNA, or anywhere except maybe his ass. Some small portion of the sphincter hidden beneath a layer of lie. Even when he tries to say something truthful it comes out a lie. For most people with this condition they are in a prison somewhere but for Orange Hair, being very rich and having no taxes to pay for his entire rich life which allows for his genetic deformity to blossom without being confined to a prison for violating several laws. Orange Hair has a bevy of lawyers, they follow him to pick up the lies, sue anyone who disagrees with the lie, and keep Orange Hair free to terrorize not just America, but the planet.

He has a gift from Satan himself, to recognize others with this condition and has formed a club of those who lie and dream of world domination. They are currently in the process of doing just that. The grand leader, whom they all admire to the point of worship is Puss Stain, ruler of Russia. America is threatened with enslavement by those who can lie just as easy as a hyena cries when spotting carrion. But, as it turns out, we are the carrion in their eyes, the dead meat if we allow them to feed on us.

We need to band together and stop the oppressors before Puss Stain is allowed world domination. Already groups have formed, not just in America, but around the world, to face these demoniacal forces that need to enslave mankind. Rise up before you begin to believe the lies put out by Puss Stain and his puppet, Orange Hair. Their lying shit is what they want you to eat but don't. These cunningly vile humans will go to no length to guile you into believing they'll bring to you riches even though it is the plutocrats only who get the spoils.

There are devices in place to spy on their movements. We have dart drones at the ready to fill the skies, until they turn dark with their number, ready to descend on selected targets. It is time to ready ourselves for they will use torture to find out about the resistance. Torture, poison gas, even atomic weaponry are at their disposal but fear not for LOVE TRUMPS HATE. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

The Battle Begins

Fresh from the front lines our war against the Beast, Orange Hair has started with victories. We have successfully kept many white supremacist from getting to the inauguration of Orange Hair. The crowds are thin for his supporters, bleachers abandoned, entertainers absent. It is a mark against the oppressor, our thorn in his side that we intend to widen. Our success today has already weakened his defenses and we plan to add more grief to the puppet of Puss Stain, the dictator of Russia.

Now that Orange Hair is the puppet of Russia, Puss Stain is elated that Orange Hair has obtained his position with the help of Russia, and Puss Stain plans heavy compensation from Orange Hair for his help in throwing the election. If not, Orange Hair is in deep shit and Puss Stain will seek revenge for the betrayal. Russia wants America enslaved and that was the promise Orange Hair made with the Russian dictator.

We will not relent until the rightful commander in chief is placed in power of the American People. Hillary won the popular election by millions of votes and those of us that voted for her are not going away. We will fight Orange Hair at every opportunity, in every corner of America we will make ourselves and our opposition known to all that Orange Hair represents. For the very freedoms of America are at stake. It is something we must do or be slaves to Russia and so we have buried ourselves underground, we are taking our message of resistance to everyone and we will prevail.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Cries of Children From All Over America

Orange Hair plans to rip thousands of families apart. To tear babies from the arms of their mothers. To separate and imprison anyone he deems illegal. No proof needed of course, other than the color of skin or habits, or for that matter, anything Aryan Orange Hair, the deformed dwarf, deems  a non-white American. We are a nation forged by people from all over the world, not a single religion or color or anything else other than a global weave of humanity.

But Orange Hair, the hideously deformed dwarf, has promised to make America Great Again for wealthy plutocrats such as himself. His brown nose staff consists of billionaires and millionaires eager to grab as much of the American Pie as possible. Leaving crumbs for the rest. "Let them eat cake" is their motto for the rest of us. 

We can fight back. Black Friday, this 20th of January, at the time of swearing in for Orange Hair, shout in rage wherever you are, "He is not my president, but a puppet of Russia." This will send a message, loud and clear, that we know he is a charlatan, a fraud set in place by Soviet keepers. America is on the cusp of chaos and we are only two days away from absolute calamity.

Our devices and drones are at the ready. We will use them in defense of our city and our country should Orange Hair decide to storm our gates. City of the Angeles and all free loving Americans take arms and fight the dreaded dwarf from hell.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Siege of Los Angeles

We are now days away from the crowning of Orange Hair. Until then his tweets flow while he sits on the Great Porcelain Throne awaiting his coronation. Nimble are his fingers that twitter in anticipation as he thinks of tweets to degrade, to humiliate, and defame his growing enemy ready to fight the obnoxious beast of Hell, Orange Hair..

Born a deformed dwarf, his parents crafted him in business attire even as an infant with an orange helmet that he must wear at all times so that people won't stare at his small pudgy hands and feet, or his porcine belly. And worse of all his deformities, a head with a sack of skin under his chin that could hold a basket of fish if he were a pelican. But sadly Orange Hair, the deformed dwarf, was no pelican--just extremely ugly. 

This is our enemy, a hideous creature with a bad-ass attitude, caused by children throwing fish for him to catch in his mouth and pocket in the chin sack. He was made even meaner by the taunts in the shower room of having no dick to speak of, being hidden in a nest of wiry pubic hair longer than the dick. Masturbating was rubbing himself on the carpet along with the family dog's ass.

But we cannot show mercy to this imposter of a President. We must push ahead with our devices and drone darts for there is no mercy even for a hideously deformed dwarf who wants to enslave and torture mankind. The time is near and each person now must decide which side they will take in keeping Los Angeles and America--A Free Nation.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Orange Hair Attacks John Lewis

Another soldier of freedom suffered at the hands of Orange Hair. Who will take power this Friday unless the forces of Freedom can put an end to Orange Hair's madness. Mr. Lewis, the renown freedom fighter, who shed his blood for equality, was dismissed as a nuisance, a do nothing.  The Beast has no honor, for years he denied President Obama as our legitimate leader but he wants us to recognize him. NO WE WILL NOT. He is not our president, our chief, or leader. Orange Hair is a vile creature, a swamp nightmare, a hideous buffoon who will lead us only to ruin if he isn't stopped. 

We must girder our loins and prepare to fight Orange Hair on everything. Spare nothing to sabotage his campaign of discourse and chaos for it is a matter of survival, or to face ruin at the hands of Orange Hair's reign of terror. It is up to us, the free cities, cities of refuge, cities of sanctuary and hope to win this war and rid our land of the nightmare that is about to consume us. 

We have devices in place to spy on the Horror, Orange Hair. One device is near the Porcelain Throne where Orange Hair tweets and twitters as he shits turds to feed his believers. Dummkoph fishes them out with his bare hands and then gives the fetid glop to those who press it into wafers. Orange Hair's priest at Fox News give the wafers to his believers to sooth and intoxicate their moronic brains. They are willing slaves to Orange Hair and they too must be removed by any means possible.

We are at this moment making drones on a vast scale, each holding a poison dart at the ready. We will fill the skies with them until the drone darts blanket the sun turning day into night. Then they will descend on the shit eaters of Orange Hair and destroy them all.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Prepare for The Siege

We cannot mount forces yet strong enough to destroy Orange Hair. It is decided to prepare and fight him when he lays in wait for us. Orange Hair plans to demand we give him anyone who is not pure Aryan. He wants to cull all those who do not meet his standards and though other cities have relented some of us never will. Los Angeles is home to the world not just Orange Hairs. We stand united in our fight.

He plans to cut city funds first. Then the water and power, until we bend our knee but we will not. He will bomb, kill, poison but we will not give in. Orange Hair will send his minions among us but we will not change our minds. It is a fight for survival of who we are and without that nothing else matters. This is our home and our country and though a despot will rule we will resist, defend and survive.

We now have prove that the FBI director set up Hillary with a bogus e-mail scandal to help turn the vote. He was paid well by his handlers, Puss Stain and Orange Hair. Republicans have turned their back on freedom and we will remember this always. He is a traitor and the bureau can no longer be trusted by the people of this country. The FBI is now in the hands of villains and thieves, sold to anyone with the highest bid. Comey needs to leave the country and go his motherland, Russia and soon.

We are preparing for the siege, storing away as much as we can before the forces of evil descend on the City Of Angeles. I'm sure the FBI will try and penetrate but we will not be fooled by traitors. Not now or ever again. We will survive somehow though the battle may bend or will and backs, we will survive.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Orange Hair At Work

All things are done while seated on the Porcelain Throne. Orange Hair enters the Throne Room of marble, crystal chandeliers, and gold faucets. He passes the waiting bath and personal servant, his most important servant, for he has Trump's highest seal of approval, the Swastika of America. No one can wear this medal but those of pure Aryan blood that are raised to serve The Alpha. Dummkoph removed his own testicles once Orange Hair placed the medal around his neck. Picked up a knife right in front of Orange Hair and sliced them off clean. He then placed a hot iron on the wound to cauterize and seal the flesh. All of this without a flinch. Orange Hair was so proud and handed Dummkoph the golden bottle of hair dye that Dummkoph alone would use to keep Orange Hair's coiffure as orange as orange can be.

Dummkoph raised his arm in salute and clicked his steel boots as Orange Hair proceeded to the throne. His very personal servant's second most valuable service was to gather the turds and all deposits made while Orange Hair sat on the throne to feed his believers. Orange Hair would soon be tweeting and farting and Dummkoph sat posed to grab the turds has they floated by. What an honor, he thought, of all those he alone was privileged with this task.

We do not believe in Orange Hair or his fake presidency nor anything he says or does for he is a known charlatan and liar who stole the election and is hated by most and feared by the rest. We do not fear him or eat his shit that others who worship him crave. We are free and American, every woman, man, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim, Gay who despises Orange Hair and would like to set his tower of power, his precious throne room, and him--on fire.

It is our fight that we will take to the Tower of Power itself. We are planning a great war before Orange Hair can proceed on the siege of our beloved city, Los Angeles, City of Angels. We will attack before he is installed and allowed to move his throne room to the White House where he wants it installed so that congress and the senate can grovel while he tweets. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

To Russia With Love

Orange Hair snugly fits in his web of deception. His ties to Puss Stain and the fortune of slaves and power promised to Orange Hair by Puss Stain is all consuming. Orange Hair must sit on his porcelain throne to tweet and twitter to Puss Stain of how much he admires him and his ability to take any enemy, torture them, kill them and enslave. He kisses a portrait of Puss Stain sent to him by the Supreme Leader of the USSR. As his lips brush the cheek of Puss Stain, Orange Hair stares at the red star that blazes above the portrait. Orange Hair thinks it is the most beautiful of all stars.

But trouble is brewing, the press has hold of documents sequestered by Russia that shows Orange Hair's involvement in trickery and deception, a leash to tug on Orange Hair should he ever try to stray. Orange Hair is worried and relies on his minions to raise a fog of deception and lies to shake off those on his trail of trickery and treason.

Should Orange Hair succeed, Puss Stain will be pleased with the lessons Orange Hair has learned from his Russian keeper, he might even award him some medal for Orange Hair's treason if he brings Russia's goal of global power. Orange Hair is a convenient and stupid footstool for Puss Stain and he often thought what it would be like to use Orange Hair for that very purpose. Tied beneath the feet of Russia, America as Russia's footstool.

These latest developments on the developing siege of Los Angeles to press Los Angeles into giving homage to Orange Hair or die are critical to our survival. For if Orange Hair succeeds in hiding the truth and America doesn't wake from its stupor of fed lies and shit from the porcelain throne of Orange Hair, then we are doomed.

More info as developments occur.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Rescue of Prisoners from Orange Hair's Tower of Power

We had electronic devises that fooled  the security of Orange Hair's tower and secreted ourselves into the building in the early morning. We knew from the smell of foul gas that Orange Hair was seated on his porcelain throne twittering his tweets as he made meals of his waste to feed his followers. As we found our way to the dungeons the smell of Orange Hair's sentries eating the foul waste of Orange Hair was overpowering. Fortunately we brought gas masks and quickly put them on.

It was a bit of luck for us to hit at this opportune moment for the guards were in a stupor with the brown sludge from Orange Hair's intestines smeared on the guards mouth as they munched on the fetid cake of waste. We tried not to look least we lose the contents of our stomachs at such a horrible sight of the guards in their feast of shit as we snuck pass them and to the holding cells of the prisoners.

There we found the young women stripped of clothing and chained in front of the machine designed to torture them relentlessly. When they saw us, they became terrified at first thinking we were going to hurt them. But soon their fears turned to joy when we used our devices to release them from bondage and secured their way from Orange Hair's tower.

It wasn't until later that day that we heard the screams picked up from the devices planted in the tower to spy on Orange Hair and his evil minions when Orange Hair discovered our trickery and his guards stupidity. For Orange Hair turned his squeezing and pinching torture machines on his own guards, their genitals swollen and deformed as the machines fondled them unrelenting pulling and squeezing their penises and testicles. They met their deaths at the hands of their owner and good riddance to them. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Orange Hair Attacks One of Our Own

It was ugly but that is what war is all about. Meryl Streep stood to defend a handicapped man from the viciousness of Puss Stain's prodigy, Orange Hair. She stood against him and all that he stands for, and for her  bravery she is now under siege by the evil legions of Orange Hair. Streep's brave heart withstood the attacks but in his rage to beat down anyone who opposes him he has taken hostages to learn the ways of torture shown to him by Puss Stain.

Three young women are now in the hands of Orange Hair. Delivered to him because they sought abortions from incestuous rape. Orange Hair wants all women punished, no matter the circumstance, if they had or seek an abortion. He feels they are worthless creatures fit only for his demented pleasure.  They are now deep in the bowels of his tower chained while they wait the cruelty Orange Hair himself will administer on them. 

We are mounting a rescue, if it is not too late, to save the women from the cruel fate that Orange Hair plans to cause. He has devised a heinous apparatus that grabs a woman's genitalia squeezing  and pulling constantly on the tender flesh until they are driven mad or die. He relishes his machine forged in Russia with a promise of more to come by Puss Stain himself.  

It is tonight that our forces will try and penetrate the Tower. We are armed and at the ready with devices to secret ourselves inside the Tower's wall and, with the help of all good people, rescue the young women before his cruelty is unleashed. 

At the moment, Orange Hair is sitting on his porcelain throne throwing tweets.  He twitters and tweets while seated in the early morning as he empty his bowels of foul fetid waste to feed his minions who crave more and more of his colonic passings.

It is then that we shall attack. When he is the most vulnerable, his withered penis and testicles dangling near the sewage of his making, his drawers about his ankles and his hands busy with mischief. We will charge giving him no time to plan. The battle begins.

More as new developments occur.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Orange Hair Loves All Things Russian

Ruthless men covet power and Orange Hair craves to control all of us. This greed of riches and  power drove him to forge an alliance with America's Archenemy, Russia.  Now all of us, by the cunning of two evils, are at risk of losing our freedom and very lives in our fight to keep America free of Despots.

Puss Stain told Orange Hair how he perfected the art of torture. To bend a human's will to do and say what you want making them mindless slaves if given enough pain and mental anguish. Orange Hair admires Puss Stain for his ability to torture and enslave. To bend the minds of men.

But we of The City Of Angeles who voiced our veto of this cunning devil in overwhelming numbers now stand together to fight the Beast. We renounce Orange Hair and all his cunning minions who do his will.

The Battle Begins.

We are set in place. Los Angeles is forged from the melting pot of humanity that come here from all over the globe. We've learned that all of us are of one specie that loves peace and harmony for in a megalopolis we need to tolerate one another or live in chaos. We defied Orange Hair and now he has turned his naked eye in our direction as an impediment to his desires. We are ready.

Orange Hair is gathering an army of Rats and Demons. He is perfecting them in the art of cunning and  deceit to sow seeds of discourse among us but we are at the ready, waiting for the the filth he will launch at our great city. Puss Stain whispers in Orange Hair's ear of the women in Los Angeles he can molest and use as he wish with nothing to stop him once Orange Hair has absolute power as Puss Stain has of Russia.

Los Angleans and all others who fear Puss Stain and Orange Hair unite with us in our fight for freedom's gold. The riches of  peace among men and goodwill to all. Stand and fight now or face everlasting misery as the slaves Orange Hair and Puss Stain.

More news of the events to follow as time from the battle allows.