The GOP's intent on their constant negative views toward healthcare and global warming are based on extreme views of biblical text. The belief is based on a Christian god being all powerful. If the god wanted to change the climate, he would. It is therefore fitting and right to continue to rape the planet for profit. And the quest for more profit goes further, making slaves of others.
They have the Koch brothers with their plutocratic view of right and wrong pushing an agenda that only the wealthy are suited to govern all others. They are willing to force our country to war in order to make themselves even richer.
In the South, Christian beliefs are fueled with hatred of anything deemed liberal. They would rather go without medical coverage for the poor than to go against the Southern White GOP insistence they should die for the wealthy and their belief that riches belong only to them. The South is one great pit of poverty steeped in poor education and forced religious attendance to far right extremists.
We are at war people. At war with the most diabolical, hate-filled extremist this planet has ever produced. They will stop at nothing, murder, coups, insurrection, to get what they want. I'm naming a few here that are part of this conspiracy and should be judged as traitors to all Freedom Loving Americans.
Republican Greg Brannon of North Carolina----Traitor.
Republican Lee Bright of South Carolina-----Traitor.
White Supremest American Freedom Party Angelo John Gage of New Jersey-----Traitor
Constitution White Supremest Party Phil Hudok of West Virginia----Traitor.
Independent White Racist Victoria Jackson of Tennessee------Traitor.
Independent White Racist Scott Lively of Massachusetts-----Traitor.
Republican Jason 'Molotov' Mitchell of North Carolina----Traitor.
Republican Bill Parks of Wisconsin---Traitor.
Republican Michael Peroutka of Maryland----Traitor.
White Supremest Libertine Party Karen Schoen of Florida----Traitor.
Republican Tom Tancredo of Colorado-------Traitor.
Avowed Christain extremist David Whitney of Maryland----Traitor.
Look them up folks. All these people are dangerous and do carry weapons so be very careful before approaching them. Especially if you're of color, gay or a free woman.
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