Well, I learned something about when to spray for fungus on grapes. It's one of the things I love about gardening--a laboratory to play in. There isn't a year that goes by where I don't learn at least a thing or two.
I know to spray the copper/ sulfur solution early but I didn't do it often enough. I should have sprayed while fruit was continuing to form for it's the grape clusters that are the most effected this year.
Not all the grapes were effected by the fungus but some clusters had a sever amount of fungus, and I noticed that they were from later formed clusters. We had a very dry period when the grape clusters first appeared, it wasn't until later that our damp mornings of June Gloom appeared, May Grey never happened. The photo above shows a cloudy, somewhat weak red grape cluster, some of the grapes are withered, as if left on the vine until November.
I spayed them now in hope that the fungus won't infect other, healthy clusters. The Thompsons and Concords didn't have the problem and are right on target.
These are developing very well, a bit sour right now but that's to be expected. The reds are beginning to sweeten up and already have a much sweeter taste than the Concord and Thompson.
We are nearing the time of more dry heat unless the forming El Nino changes things. Well see what develops in our laboratory in the backyard.
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