The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Little Israel Now has A Rocket Shield.

Daddy had it on top of his car. Mean Queen was inside the car barking orders in the phone at some poor soul. It was as big as the Accord, a large, cheap patio table. One of those you can stick an umbrella in and sit under with a beer. Only this one wasn't for beer drinking in the backyard, it was their missile defense system. The table's top went on and then the oversize umbrella. It covers the table and then some. In fact you could duck and cover under this when you hear the missile's whine.

It looks like a plain, cheap umbrella but looks are deceiving. Little Israel is girded for attack by Little Iran. Mean Queen and Daddy can, under the cheap-looking umbrella, launch their counter-attack and at the same time, defend against incoming strafe. Of course, us Queers of Gaza are fucked as usual. Missiles to the right of us, missiles to the left of us and here we sit like ducks on a pond right in the fucking middle.

The Greeter leaves early and arrives home late at Little Iran. There is a lot of Middle Eastern jibber-jabber going on too. Low key and I think I smelled a hooka last night while I was toking on a joint. It was that smell of honey and tobacco, a kind of pipe tobacco that doesn't stink like cigarettes. They were plotting for the main attack, I think, and this morning all the cars, except of course, the car that neither sleeps or slumbers, but is parked always in front of the garage door, were gone. All gone to get  more supplies for their jihad-homemade bombs to toss at the Jews. Never mind the Queers of Gaza are in between. Shit no, neither side cares a shit about that.

And that's what our Thanksgiving is going to look like this year in the Gaza strip. Jews fighting Muslims with us in between. Could be worse though. Wally said that years ago when, Mean Queen and Daddy's palace was a rental and I was complaining about the two idiots that lived there with dogs from hell. Nothing on the fucking planet is worse than White Punks On Dope. Nothing. And that's what moved in when the dog jerkies moved out.

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