I think the chances are high, very high that a serious attempt on his life would occur if Obama won the election in 2012. I don't see Romney sweating it out, all the wing nuts are in his corner. And if Obama was murdered, there would be race riots unimaginable. You can't blame people of color for going off if Obama was murdered, not for what the GOP has done in the name of fair and honest voting. So far, most of what you hear of voter fraud is from GOP related activities not the left and not African-Americans that seem to come under more scrutiny than white voters.
T-Shirts at Romney rallies, "Put the White back in the White House" or the Catholic Church stating a vote for Obama would put you in hell. True, a diocese of the church had bulletins on faith based voting sent to parishioners that stated exactly that because of same-sex marriage and a women's right to choose.
In Texas, a legislature stated that if Obama was elected, the populace would have to arm themselves for a possible Communist takeover. The hate, the fear, the loathing of change, not could, BUT will drive far right extremist to commit murder, they already have two reasons--God and Country.
When public figures and religious organizations begin to sow fear and hatred of others, it is time to be very concerned. Now they have reason, once again, to kill others for having a different view. Gays and lesbians that marry, blacks that want to run for high office, those that do not share the ideals of the far right are in serious trouble. Beware when Pope and State are set against any group of people, there cannot be peace.
As for the left, there isn't much of a threat to the establishment only in that if Obama was assassinated, then for sure riots would erupt from one end of our country to the other with little hope of us ever getting along for a long time to come.
All over something so simple as change, a change that will come at some point no matter the consequences.
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