The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Shadow

The Lady of the Forest has a very large elm tree. It is, I think, the source of her power. The branches span a vast area of two lots and it would cover the alley as well if it weren't for the power lines. The electric company keeps the tree from covering the lines, but that has done nothing for the shade the tree casts on the vegetable garden. Until the leaves fall, the garden is in shadow until after twelve.

Something must be done, but would it effect the Lady of the Forest's power? Would she become weak and unable to defend her kingdom if the tree was trimmed? It is quite large and has spread so that it must catch the wrath of winter storms. Could it topple? If it did it has only one way to fall that would not destroy some structure. And that would be on the smaller elms in the forest.

The great tree stands tall and must see into every neighboring yard including ours. That's what worries me, trees know things. They can feel all the vibrations caused by anyone on the earth for miles around. To even wish the tree harm could be disastrous so it must be carefully planned in doing anything about them.

The Lady of the Forest looks like she going to do nothing about the sunlight being kept from the lettuces and potatoes. She needs the power from her elms, especially this time of year when the forest sheds its leaves to wait the storms out. But if a storm comes early, before the tree sheds, the wind could topple it especially after heavy rains.

Perhaps the tree knows that we will not have heavy storms, perhaps it plans to grow until it shades everything and takes their power for the Lady of the Forest.

What is it she wants with the power from forest trees? She seems content but yet she wants more it seems. It would require careful guidance to navigate this dilemma. If it should look like the trees come under threat, she could turn and become vicious, and vindictive. Yet the vegetable garden is in need of more sunlight for the few things I can grow this time of year.

Hag would be no help, perhaps Mama possum would help. Perhaps the Jihad Party Boys or Drag Queen but not the eunuch, lazy and fat, they are practically worthless with trees unless it could be shown how delightful it is to set up camp under one. How would the great elm feel with a eunuch napping at its trunk?

If the eunuch was great enough, fed fat sticky things, and allowed to rest only on one side of the great elm, perhaps that could cause concern. If Drag Queen friended the Lady of the Forest and while they chatted and the eunuch ate and slept, it could, just ever so, cause the great tree stress.

It's certainly something to think about.

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