I was so fagged out the other day. Sixty hard miles on the bike Saturday followed by a two mile walk to dinner and back. With, of course martinis, not on the ride however. Sunday turned to a day of rest, I was so rested I can hardly remember the day. But today, we're back in the saddle.
I really enjoy my e-book reader, the Nook. I find that I use it more often and my favorite magazines and newspapers can be sent to it. So far, they're pretty easy to navigate and read once you get use to the format. It takes care of my habit of reading three books at the same time along with the newspapers and magazines. I can read-surf without having to find where I put whatever I was last reading down.
Mom has one. A Kindle but since she stopped taking classes on, 'How to find dead bodies and what to do with them,' and now the boyfriend, which is hitting off real well, she doesn't use it that much. Course, love does that to people. They fall in love and wham, everything is put on hold. Time is in suspension until they can sort life out with the new dimensions.
I smoked a corn beef brisket the other day. It comes out like bacon, it is so good. I don't think I will ever boil another one. And I had caviar for the first time. I've had caviar but not the expensive sturgeon caviar. There is a big difference, I was amazed, not quite as salty as I thought it would be and surprisingly smooth, if I was a wealthy author, I would have it more often, that's for sure, it is that good. I had it on top of new potatoes with creme'fraiche'. Pissy ain't it.
Cavi-ahr, eh? Well...I'm more in the Tom Hanks mold when it comes to that...with a dash of Bill the cat -- ACK!