The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Swoop of the Great Horned Owl

He has a camera for a brain. With it, he sees all and reports back to me. His plastic eyes shine a yellow-black.

"Who?" he asks.

"The Ultra-conservative Zionists. What happened to them?"

Great Horned Owl turns his neck completely around, his eyes glowing and the shutters clicking. His wings expand and beat the air, taking him up high. He goes east, west, north and south. In an hour he is back on his perch.

I look into his yellow-black eyes and see what he saw. The Ultra Zionists are in Arizona. Waves of migrant workers are desperate to get out. The Ultra Zionists see opportunity. Masses of poor, uneducated people, desperate to survive the capitalist boot, are willing to enslave themselves to the Ultra-Zionists. They will sell themselves to butcher for the Ultras. They will gladly work long hours for little pay to survive the heel of Imperialism.

The sheriff of Maricopa, and how ironic, is set to imprison entire families to throw into the Gulf of Mexico and stop the oil leak taking money from the Capitalists, the Imperialist who have the guns and the money to harm us all.

"Very sad, Great Horned Owl. Are we safe?"


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