Today the doctors removed a cyst from my back. It was planted by one of Mean Queen's slaves while I was asleep. The cyst grew and grew in my flesh. It grew so large the doctor said it was the biggest cyst and deepest that she has removed in ten years and when you think she works at Kaiser, that's a hell of a lot of cysts.
I called him Alfie, when shown to me. As if I went into an abortion clinic in Alabama and they had to show me the fetus after ripping it from the womb to see how I would react from taking a life from my body. I waved at Alfie, at all the hurt he caused me and the deformity of a lump under my shirt, thanks to Mean Queen's minions. I said goodbye to Alfie and good riddance to the beast of pain.
Drag Queen found it wandering in the alley. Drag Queen coaxed it into a cage as I sipped at my third martini while visiting the chickens. She knows the excitement Jidahdis get when they see a caged animal. A beast of pain kept safely behind bars. Drag Queen paraded Cyclops the Cyst down the alley from one bunker to the other. Drag Queen raised the Jidadi flag to Mean Queen that the implant worked on the Fagala next door.
I have sutures and staples to close the gap that Cyclops the Cyst made from being ripped from my body. I have the pain to witness it screaming at me in my face when I raised my hand with the thumb down. But before the doctor could smother the beast, it leaped and ran.
It wasn't until the third martini, while I witnessed the death of thousands of flies in the new disposable fly trap next to the chickens did I see it once again. Clutched and paraded in front of me by Drag Queen for the levitation and exaltation of Mean Queen.
I will be avenged.
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