The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Smell War

The other day a police car drove ever slow slowly in the alley. The Zionist Jihad Party Boys, sequestered in their bunkers, were on high alert. Wednesday afternoon, as David could testify as a known expert in Jewish oddities (being from Stanton Island and sounding as if he just got off the train from Queens) that the Jihad Party Boys were not arguing but discussing.

One of the discussing verbiage in ultra orthodox Hebrew came out so loud that even from three houses away and across the alley, David, the Jewish oddity expert, could not out shout. Now that's loud discussing in any culture. But wait there's more.

That night, as the discussing in ultra orthodox Hebrew became more intense, a quiet ensued just before the police helicopter appeared. Around and around the helicopter went with its high intensity light that could uncover even the thickest wool of a crochet cock and ball warmer, swept the neighborhood for a good hour.

The Jihad Party Boys and their Mean Queen and Daddy have been discovered by the Los Angeles Police Force. A force to be reckon with, a force who is not afraid of law suits for kicking black ass to Jesus. A force who now accepts queers if they're butch. And I mean real butch. Not just butch gay, but buffed out fucking marine, tight-ass butch. Only the ultra Butch queer can pass--or your ordinary lesbian--if she wears a jock.

They're in fucking trouble now. The Zionist Jihad Party Boys, their Mean Queen and Daddy who funds all their deeds, are in deep doo-doo. You don't fuck with the Los Angeles Police. No fucking way unless of course you have deep pockets. Or a celebrity, hell even a newscaster can get away with murder in Los Angeles let alone Nevada convicts. But you and me? Fuck no. It's, kiss your sweet fucking ass goodbye if you don't have a few big bucks to grease greedy palms.

Millie is staying close to home. She knows. Millie knows when earthquakes come let alone the vast tunnel system built to house eggs laid by Mean Queen and built by the Zionist Jihad Party Boys. They have nestled in their underground lair, large quantities of W.M.D.

Need I say more? Do I have to draw a Mushroom Cloud? Wake up America. Here in lower Encino--Armageddon is about to be let loose.

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