Orange Hair hates bad news about him. Bad news about others? That's okay but he will not tolerate anything that questions his decisions or actions. He wants to replace a free press for the Orange Hair World View, which he deems the only valid news source. He wants Orange Hair news that says all things good about Orange Hair. Anything else is dangerous and a threat to his desires of world domination. Puss Stain, the new Stalin of Russia, has told Orange Hair that without suppressing the truth, he could not dominate the world much less America. It was something that poor Puss Stain had to repeat over and over to Orange Hair due to Orange Hair's obsession on all things Orange Hair.
So now the Supreme Oligarch of all Russia has planted in Orange Hair's circle of plants to whisper over and over the need to control all information. Very important for world domination.
Puss Stain controls all news, information, data, for all of Russia. This criminal of freedom has a burning desire for world domination as well. His puppet in America Orange Hair, admires Puss Stain because he is a ruthless tyrant, he wants America to join Puss Stain and his campaign against free thought. It is too dangerous to think without Puss Stain or Orange Hair telling you what to think of and about.
We are in peril of losing our country to evil men. Men who want all things their way and we must fight with everything we have. Join us in the City of Angles, Los Angeles, City of Refuge, City of Light and fight the good fight against the ruthless tyrants, Orange Hair and his keeper Puss Stain.
We have dart drones and devices and will blanket the sky with our robotic and highly developed techno gear. We will show the world a new war fought not by the bodies of men but the intelligence of their machines that do not bleed life.
It is a new era, a time for all those everywhere to stand up against the tyranny of the few over all others. It is time to usher in the age of Aquarius.
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