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A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Beware Of Queer Christians

One thing you can bet on, besides taxes and death, is if someone tells you they're queer and a Christian, they're a liar and thief. First off, a queer Christian is the same as someone who is in the Ku-Klux Klan and black. Why anyone would join a religion that wants you dead and in hell  shows in itself extreme self-loathing.

Golden Boy, was caught in a lie today. He already stole from us by taking wages for caring for Wally and then leaving on an extended vacation. He was going to Detroit for a week and to be back to remove his possessions but instead of doing that he lied, stating he was not in L.A. as yet. When I informed him that his belongings would be removed and placed in the garage by Thursday, his week had already passed when he should have been back, he suddenly appeared with a truck and friend to get his things. When asked about Detroit he said that he didn't say he was in Detroit just not in L.A.

So he took wages and gave no service. He's been here all along screwing with me, and if this asshole even thinks I would give him a recommendation, I would love to tell that person what a queer Christian really is. 

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