He can't help himself, he just shines. Golden Boy reads his lines better, acts better and just is better than the other Jew on a stick. You see, it's three Jews nailed on a wood beam. Not all on the same beam, they all have their own.
Now, first thing, how do you have an intelligent conversation if you're nailed by your hands and feet? You see, you can't talk very well, all your weight is pulling on your arms as you die, and the more pull the less you breath. Try it. I mean not nail yourself but hang on something and see how long you're able to. Not real long and besides the incredible pain, you're stuck on a stick of wood. And you want to talk about paradise? Please, I would be screaming for help, yes, if I could scream but I doubt that.
Anyway, they're nailed and one thinks he going to happy-hour-forever-lounge and the other, not so much. Golden Boy is the other. And of course his lines are better, they're more believable for one. And they are difficult lines, nothing intriguing like, "Got a light Mac?" But that's okay, he still does great lines and the other guy? So sad. "You mean we're all gonna fly out of here to Pair-a-dice? Yeah!
See what I mean, it's not his fault but the Farsi, well that's another thing. The fucker is going to sell Golden Boy to the fuckin' Farsi. Because when a Farsi sees a Mercedes, their dick gets hard. Now here's Golden Boy's dilemma--he's out to lunch. He's going to be the star of the show, who wouldn't love him? Well, the asshole you're stealing all the good lines from and let's face it, even if he had good lines it still wouldn't come out the way it should. But envy knows no mercy. Once this queen stands there, or rather nailed there, and they start throwing fruit at him, he's gonna go right to the Farsi and tell them about Golden Boy's Mercedes. That's when the shit is gonna hit the fan.
We'll have to be on extra alert here in Queer Gaza. Extra Alert. And I have authorized the hummingbirds, I feed them enough, to keep a look out. Hummingbirds hate Farsi because they have a dish that calls for hummingbird tongues, imagine. And they love to check everything out, the hummingbirds. "If you guys see a Farsi hanging around Golden Boy's Mercedes, let me know. There might be extra nectar in it for you."
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