Okay, I'm still not sure who or what is living in there. At some point in the day their side of the street was lined with trash. Obviously from the House Of Crime, some of the trash is cardboard boxes from the moving. That leaves out vampire unless the vamp has a slave and doesn't everybody need one? I could use two myself. Very likely, though I couldn't bring myself to look, they are corpse users, for the better half of the trash is white plastic bags, tied off, scattered in the gutter. So typical of body dumpers to put arms, hands and legs in plastic bags and leave it to float out to sea at some point. It's Dexter all over.
My neighbor, right across the street, a nice family, except they seem to like birthing a lot for all the kids they have but hey, I'm not contributing to overpopulation so it all works out somehow, they have this shit in front of their house and it takes up over half of their parking. Bad sign.
It's pretty obvious what the House Of Crime is up to. Blame the hood neighbors for all the strewn guts in the street. And get this, any trash left out, is picked over several times a day and if the street urchins don't take it, then it has to be body parts and all the fucking bags are still full.
I hope they had a good ole' time sticking their dicks in cold pussy pate' or butt-holes assessable on both sides. I think they need a better disposal idea though, they're a little rough around the edges because the city's trash collectors only take the shit in the city's trash containers. They don't get out of their trucks and throw fucking body parts in plastic bags in the truck. They stay in the cab and push levers to do that shit and the truck only takes the city's containers, green for vegetation, blue for re-usables, black for body parts .
I bet you anything, they are Oklahoma hicks with a body fetish. A deranged version of Deliverance and they don't know that here in fucking La La land you don't put used parts in the fucking gutter in September because the rains are months away. Has to be hillbilly mule skinners with a kink.
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