The city from my view.

A pulse on a vibrant Megalopolis.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Review by Kat Yares, author of,  Vengeance is Mine, Journeys into the Velvet Darkness - Revealed Evil
If you've been reading horror for as long as I have (early 70s), you know that most of what is written today is either a:) zombies or vampires or b:) heavy on guts and gore with no plot. Jawbone is different. Sure it has guts and gore, but it also has a fantastic story and characters that you can relate too.

Jawbone is classic horror. Gleich has created characters not normally found in today's fiction. Each main character is flawed in their own particular way and those flaws seamlessly help propel the story forward. As with the well-developed characters of the story, the descriptive passages of the book will spark all of your senses to the point of being almost able to smell, touch, hear and see everything that is happening. This is one of those stories that draws the reader into the world of the narrative and making it real. The author's style is almost literary in its approach.

Combining Native American myth with real world characters makes Jawbone a must read for anyone who truly loves the horror genre. 

I've been so busy as late that I haven't been here or at my website. I think things have calmed down enough that I can get back to business.  The book will be out in paperback in about a week. It will also be available at  Damnation Books, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and independent book stores.  If you pick up a copy let me know how you liked and the story and, if you want, leave a review. Thanks.

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