When Hans died, a long time friend of Wally's and rich, there were innuendos of murder, or perhaps, to be polite, his wishes carried out. Only, it took a long time for him to die until Hans started to give thousands here and thousands there. That's when the executor-ex-lover showed up on the scene of Hans stroke. Now, another interesting thing, when his long time and suffering ex-lover came, he didn't call an ambulance until hours later, in fact most of the day had gone by since Hans had his stroke in the morning, and still able to get help, called the ex. During this time period, Hans began to rattle off all the people he decided not to leave out, the ex copying it down. When Hans was obviously beyond help a call goes out for an ambulance.
Now, what bothers the friends of this guy is that, if Hans was allowed to continue to enrich his friends, with bequithments, shouldn't the ex have called sooner than later, because they were sure Hans said he wanted to give them something. A bauble perhaps and that's exactly what the ex did. He invited all of Hans freinds over after the settlement of the estate and everything of any value, removed. The ex got millions and property, lots of it. And the rest, those not included on the last breath of Hans, got one of whatever they wanted, left at the estate.
We're talking Beverly Hills, this prick was born rich in Germany, came here, invested Mom's and Dads money in commerical real estate and made more money. He was a prick too and I can't help but think he got just what he deserved.
The reason?
He threw coins and enjoyed watching people fight over it. He was obnoxious, practically ignorant, boorish, and just a fucking jerk. I watched Wally grovel at times and it hurt really, but they went back quite a ways when both were younger and from what I have been told, lovers.
Now, I'm not faulting Wally. He is what he is and he's a hell of a lot better person than the rich-kraut. But it was fun to watch the display taking place before and after the funeral, which was in the same small cemetery that Marilyn Monroe is buried in. It was pretty cool to be there, just to see who in hell could afford the property of this famous and quite hidden plot of earth. Off Wilshire, behind a bank where you have to take the entry for the bank to get to this place, it is located in the middle of the block surrounded by buildings. And the cemetery stone I stood on during the proceedings was only named 'Drago' nothing else. It just about titillated me and was worth the price of admission to watch Hans circus funeral. I was waiting for the ex to throw coins and he did. At the estate, nicely catered, he started rattling off what he found of value and what wasn't worth the trouble. Most of it wasn't and people began to put their names on stuff.
I am not kidding. There was a sniff taking place toward the end of the fiasco, someone gave Hans a set of dishes and someone else had already put their name on them. Get Her--Girl.
I loved it and the ex asked me if I wanted something. I told him to ask Wally, he could have two things that way, I didn't like the guy and the ex said, "You know, when Hans told me the sky was purple I use to fight him on it until I realized that if I wanted to stay connected to Hans, then the sky was purple."
The bitch earned every dime---Believe you me.