Mexican Monkey can be really testy at times, as this morning. Mom was coloring her tits with a bit of sun in the garden and I had just sat down after fixing breakfast to read the paper with a cup of tea. But wait, Mexican Monkey wants to go to Morro Bay to a special, high-end nursery. Now, I like nurseries myself and I do like this particular one in Morro Bay, except everything is expensive. They do have plants that are two dollars in two inch pots. They also have wind chimes in the thousands of dollars. I really did like the moving sculptor for a mere fifteen hundred but that kind of garden work is out of my league.
"Mike! Let's go. I want to see the the nursery in Morro Bay." Mexican Monkey says with a pout.
"We'll go, we have plenty of time. Your train doesn't leave until two and we don't have to be at the station until one when David arrives.
"I want to go now, there won't be enough time.'
"There's plenty of time relax, why don't you take a walk before we go."
"No. I want to go now. How come we can't go now? Huh? Why?" Mexican Monkey turns and shouts at Mom sunning her tits. "Mom, lets go. Put some clothes on its time to go."
Mom had a hangover left from the other day or the day before,she can't remember when the hangover started but it was there anyway.
"Mike. Come on. You can read your paper later."
"We have plenty of time, just chill out for a while will you?"
"I want to to go to Morro Bay."
Mom and me tried to ignore Mexican Monkey. We went back baking tits in the sun and reading the paper.
"Mike. Mike! MIKE."
What the fuck is it. Huh, What the fuck is it with you that you can't sit still for ten fucking minutes."
"I want to see the nursery and we won't have time. Let's go!"
"Fuck, might as well go. You're not going to let me read and you're not going to let Mom get a little color on her kazoos so let's the fuck go."
We get there so early the fucking shops aren't open. We end up wandering the streets for an hour until they do with only the public bathroom to run to when the cold fog became to much. But he can't stop there, once the nursery opens and he has seen everything he wants to see we have to leave for the fucking train. So what if we're early, so early that the first train that's going to take them back hasn't arrived with David.
That turned out not to be the problem. The train David is on had an accident and lost its air brakes. David had to take another train where David had to stand for three hours because the train was over packed. Now we go back to Cayucos, have some beers, fish and chips and wait.
Needless to say, I was, at this stage, wanting Mom and the Mexican Monkey to leave more than they wanted to go with all their god-damn bitching. We get there, David is there and their bus that they would take to Santa Barbara to catch a train is there. And without looking back or waving we left Mexican Monkey and Mom to board their asses on the fucking bus. Good riddance.
We did find a nice rice-paddy hat for Mom to wear when she gardens. Just like in the old country and I can't wait to see her squat among the egg plant wearing her new rice-paddy hat.
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