Searching for ripe tomatoes yesterday, I came across a shocking site. There on the ground, half ate was a big, at one time, yellow tomato. I don't know what tomato it is, it came up all on its own but the flesh is delicious and apparently some wandering beast thinks so as well. It can't be squirrels, they take a bite and go to the next. This was half gone, a raccoon or possum perhaps, there are possums about the place. It could be a raccoon, I hope not, they're big trouble and then too rats. I'm not sure about the rats though, I think Millie would have something to say about a rat hanging around.
It could be Daddy or Mean Queen, the tomato plant came up right at the new wood fence that separates the palace from us. Daddy wants us to go in on half the cost for a cement wall to replace the new wood one. Someone like that would eat a half of tomato and throw the rest down. I'll have to check his bite the next time he tries to talk me into actually going half on his palace wall. I'll look where his teeth line up on his lying lips.
"The cost would be very expensive, don't you think?" I asked when he cornered me at the car.
"Oh no, not expensive." He said in his broken spit-gibberish accented English.
This comes from a neighbor that can't pay for regular garden service. The lawn, what's left of it, has dry brown patches with areas of high growing weeds. He corners some hapless gardener working in the hood to cut his lawn on occasion. I can see what he has in mind, something comforting like the wall that surrounds Israel, keeping the peasant population of Palestinians separate. Ugly and cheap, it wouldn't survive the first temblor. And I bet the bastard would ask me for half the repair.
Yep, he ate half of the fucking yellow tomato. I know it.
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