The ordeal is over. The torture inflicted on me will last a life time as it will others but we survived. The hours spent on the fondle machine with its many pinching grabbing metal hands was excruciating and for some lethal.
We were forced to watch and listen to Nazi propaganda that Orange Hair himself picked for us from a trove of films held by his Russian puppet master, Putin. After hours on the machine of many hands, we then were not allowed to sleep but to endure countless messages that Orange Hair was our divine leader that we must listen to and follow. We were ordered under threat of the claws of his wicked machine, to bow in the direction of Trump Towers every morning and evening, giving thanks to Orange Hair.
Our escape was treacherous but with some good luck we won our freedom. How fortuitous that Orange Hair attention span is that of a hare. Once he found a bright shinny object that drew his attention away from the depths of his Florida Swamp and from his guards who were now free of their master's leash. His crew grew lax and slothful. His thugs thought of us captives as subdued, they grew weary watching us and more fond of sex and drugs. Then the right opportunity came, a hole in the keep that we took advantage of. I imagine that Orange Hair is still screaming at their incompetence but then he screams at everyone.
It's good to be back and away from the constant pulling and grabbing that I endured, yet still suffer with in the form of horrible nightmares. We are safe, nestled deep among Muslims, Jews, Latinos, Africa Americans and the LGTB, who would give their lives for our freedom or for anyone else who is willing to fight the madness of Orange Hair's grip on America.
Drones loaded with freeze-dried darts of various hallucinogenics will soon fill the skies above Trump Tower where the great evil lurks this very day. With the drones camouflage ability they will lay in wait for the perfect moment to subdue our enemy and allow us to find Orange Hair's filthy liar.
For in spite of our setbacks, we will prevail.