Each dart consists of a large enough dose to render the person hit with enough hallucinogenic material to cause complete perceptual anomalies lasting one to two days. If hit by more doses the effect could go weeks to months causing a complete psychotic breakdown.
We have drones that have the agility to fly within flocks of birds giving them complete secrecy in advancing on the enemy, or to lay in wait, blending like chameleons, for spying and to attack the target on command from where ever they emerge.
Orange Hair is preparing his troops to siege our beloved city. But he will have a surprise should he try. At the moment he is hiding in the Marsh Of The Rich Fat Assholes of Lower Florida. He has brought his Molesting machine, his beloved gift from Puss Stain, ruler of all Russia. From his campaign to enslave women there are several hundred Muslim and Hispanics maidens for him to pick out and use his Molesting machine on. Orange Hair has invited his cabinet to choose among the women whom to torture and giving in to their thirst for power. This gives us time to set our drones to cover the skies and wait. For we shall rescue these women from the clutches of evil and set them free. Their freedom will enrage the deranged Orange Hair and cause him to commit even more mistakes, perhaps fatal mistakes.